The Importance of Storytelling In Dance

When you think of ‘dance’ what do you think of? Ballet, musical theatre, contemporary dance, tap dance, cultural dance like Indian or African dance, Strictly Come Dancing?
There are so many examples of dance … have you ever noticed that within all those examples, there is an artistic purpose, an inspiration, or a reason for the dance’s conception. Sometimes it’s a story, sometimes it’s just a feeling or emotion. But why is that such an important part of dance?

Why We Believe Every Little One Should Dance!

Earlier this month we were thrilled to be listed along side Joe Wicks in the John Lewis article ‘Things To Do With Kids At Home’ on the John Lewis website.
It was great to be recognised for providing ‘imaginative and fun filled’ classes to help keep little ones active. Of course, we believe every little one should dance! Why? Have you ever watched a toddler instinctively move to whatever music happens to be being played? It’s often surprisingly rhythmical! Bouncing, swaying, moving hips side to side, maybe a clap or a stamp of foot if you’re lucky. The sheer joy of instinctive dance can be mind blowing! No-one has told them to move like that or has shown them, they just do because that is what they feel like doing in that moment! And the joy it brings them is palpable.

How We Made Tot Bop Online

What a year 2020 has been! I’m writing this blog in the final month of what has definitely been an extraordinary year globally! COVID19 has had a huge impact all over the world and businesses, mine included, have been forced to adapt in order to survive. When COVID19 caused the first UK lockdown in March…

A Typical Tot Bop Day

Hello all! Sophie here, one of Tot Bop’s very proud teachers! How is everyone coping with this second lockdown? If your anything like me, I am feeling a little bit deflated and down! With stopping and starting again (ugh!) it has definitely made me realise how appreciative I am of being a part of Tot…

Keeping Tot Boppers Safe

It’s of great importance to all of us at Tot Bop that our Live Classes are carried out safely and completely compliant with Government guidelines, considering the strange old world we now find ourselves in due to the pandemic. I am so proud of the whole Tot Bop team for completing the ‘Infection Control and…

LATEST NEWS: Tot Bop Classes Are Online!

Tot Bop Online is well and truly launched! We are now 7 weeks into our online classes and they are going brilliantly! Thank you to our wonderful customers for giving such lovely feedback about your Tot Bop Online experience. Here are some of the lovely comments:   ‘Tot Bop’s online platform is wonderful! The instrument…