At Tot Bop we encourage our students of all ages to be confident, unique individuals and to enjoy the classes and develop their talents in a fun, safe environment. As our classes support parents/carers’ involvement and/or are in the room during the class, we ask our parents and carers to support the positive ethos we encourage and be respectful of the teacher’s role in running the class. We expect both students and parents/carers to be kind, considerate and respectful to eachother and staff at all times.
Health & Safety
- Children are required to wear either clean, non-slip footwear for the class or bear feet. Examples of clean non-slip footwear include clean trainers, ballet shoes, jazz shoes, grippy socks (with rubber grips on the soles). PLEASE NOTE: please refrain from allowing children to dance in socks or tights without rubber grips as they can easily slip when moving.
- Children are required to wear non-restrictive clothing for the class that is easy to move in. T-shirt and leggings/shorts/tracksuit bottoms are ideal. Children should wear their Tot Bop t-shirt in class when possible.
- Children are required to bring a bottle of water to the class. Water breaks will be given at regular intervals in the class in order to remain hydrated.
- Please restrict snacks to before and after the class. Only water should be consumed during the class please. This is an important health and safety issue. Children should NOT be eating while dancing, as it can cause them to choke.
- Please avoid bringing hot drinks to the class as they can easily get spilled and cause scalding.
- Please encourage your child to follow the class by joining in with your child, particularly for younger age groups. All preschool classes are designed to be parent/carer participatory. This not only helps them relax in the space and encourages them to join in too, but it also helps keep them on task. Building up the confidence to join in can happen over a period of time, but if you are consistent at joining in with the class, it sends the right message to your child. For Funky Monkeys and Groovy Movers classes, parent/carer participation is optional or as needed.
- It is natural for children to explore the space from time to time, particularly if they are new to the class. However, please avoid children climbing on stacked chairs, tables, stages, anything which could cause them harm if they fell. We will always mitigate the risk by blocking off any ‘no go zones’ but please be responsible for not allowing your child to go into these areas or to climb.
- Please encourage your child to respect the teacher’s property. Please do not allow your child to touch any electrical equipment AT ALL, as this is a huge health and safety risk. This includes the teacher’s speaker, ipad, laptop, phone etc. Aswell as the obvious health and safety risk, the teacher needs these devices in order to run the class and therefore they must not be touched. Likewise, the props laid out on the table are for use during the class. They are not there for the children to help themselves to. We know it can be tempting to touch equipment or take items from the table, but with guidance from you as parents/carers, we can keep little monkeys on track! Please jump in if you see your child doing this. Thank you.
- Please watch your child carefully to avoid where possible any pushing, hitting, biting or causing another child any other physical harm.
- If your child is distracting others or encouraging others to run or move off task, please step in to discourage this. Believe me, they all have their moments, but the class teacher is only human and has all the other children to try to keep on task. As it is a parent/carer participatory class, please do your bit to help keep your child on track as much as possible.
- Please be mindful of others if you have to discipline your child. It can be very distracting and distressing for other children if loud voices are used … however naughty the little monkeys get!
- Please avoid loud conversations while the class is on as this can be very distracting to the children who are trying to listen and who are learning how to follow instruction.
- If at all possible, we do ask that siblings do not attend, although we do recognise that often this is just not possible. Babies in pushchairs or carriers are absolutely fine, but all must stay in your area within the class. Thank you. If older siblings have to attend, please ensure you bring something with you to occupy them. Please avoid siblings joining in the class or walking around in the class space while the class is on. This is a health and safety issue, a huge distraction and is NOT ALLOWED.
- If i-pads or tablets are brought in to help occupy siblings, please use headphones or keep volume levels to a minimum. Thank you.
- Taking photos and video during the class; you are allowed to photograph or film YOUR CHILD ONLY. Please ensure no other child is in shot and therefore avoid taking photos or video when the children are grouped together. Please be aware that many people have said no to media permissions on their booking form. Therefore, if another child is in shot, you MUST seek the permission of the child’s parent or guardian. PLEASE DO NOT POST PHOTOS OR VIDEO OF OTHER CHILDREN ON SOCIAL MEDIA WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION OF THEIR PARENT OR GUARDIAN.
- Tot Bop operates a zero-tolerance policy to bullying of any type; from children or parents/carers. Please be respectful, courteous, inclusive and kind to all.
If you have any concerns regarding your child or the behaviour of another child or parent/carer, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Rachel Kenning.
Additional Terms & Conditions
- All teaching staff have professional dance teaching qualifications and/or professional dance training and all have had a DBS police check.
- Detailed risk assessments have been written for all venues. We work closely with each of our venues to ensure adequate safety measures are in place.
- Touching policy; In the context of the dance class, the teacher may be required to touch the child to help explain a movement or the technique behind a movement. If necessary, it will always be done in a firm, professional manner.
- We operate a ‘no cash’ system in class. Any purchases made in class must be made using a credit or debit card. Each teacher will have a card reader to take payments.
- Occasionally photographs and/or video will be taken during a class, which will be used for Tot Bop advertising purposes only. They may be used on the website and on social media, in the context of Tot Bop. If you are not happy for your child to be photographed, then please state on your registration form or let us know so we are aware and can mark it on your child’s profile.
- Flashing disco lights are used as part of the class. If you have any issues with the use them, then please notify the office.
- If a class has to be cancelled due to adverse weather then an attempt will be made to put on a replacement class but there is no guarantee it will be on the same day of the week.
- If you miss a class, you will be sent our online class, suitable for your child’s age. You will have access to this until the Sunday of the week you receive it and can access it multiple times within that period. In addition, you also have the option to make up your missed class at a different venue on a different day within the same half term block. Under no circumstances can a missed class be carried over to the next term.
- At the end of every half term block, your place will be auto-renewed for the next half term block, according to the consent you provided on your booking form. Adequate notice will be given before payment is due to be taken.
- If you no longer wish to continue with Tot Bop classes, we require 4 WEEKS NOTICE to leave. Please notify the office by email and ensure you cancel your place when the autorenewal email is sent through.
- By signing up, you agree to join our GDPR compliant mailing list and receive emails from Tot Bop, informing you of current news, classes, courses and special offers. You can unsubscribe at anytime.